Wednesday, June 22, 2011

6 Skills Every Jobseeker Must Have.

In today's increasingly competitive job market, employers are looking to hire the ideal candidate - the one that meets or exceeds every criteria on their wish list. The competition is stiff out there, so in order to present yourself in the most positive light possible, you've got to come out of the dugout with your best pitch blazing. Over my 20+ years in the employment industry, I've seen waves of different characteristics companies look for in perspective new hires. However, there are some core characteristics that remain standard. In order to land your desired position, I believe there are 6 skills every job-seeker must have:

1. Marketing - Nobody knows you better than you. The ability to market yourself is one of the best ways to land the first interview and then the position. You're good; you know what you can do. Specifically, be intimately familiar with the job posting and each feature the company is looking for, and when speaking with the hiring authority, the marketing pro in you will take those features and turn them into benefits for the company. This will set you apart from the mainstream interviewers. However, if you're unable to articulate this during an interview, you blend in with all the rest.

2. Sales - Many people think sales and marketing are the same thing. Not so. Sales is the byproduct of a good marketing strategy. You "market" yourself to get the face-to-face interview. Once that is accomplished, you have to sell yourself to get the job. You do this by presenting a good sales pitch (why you're the guy/gal for the job) and support it with facts from previous job performance (i.e. created and implemented new marketing plan which led to a 20% increase in sales).

3. Research - every job out there requires you to do some type of research. Research to determine why a previous sales program didn't work; to determine which products are the top sellers and why; to gather a list of potential providers for a service your company requires.

4. Communication - Need I say more? In order to do your job effectively, you must be able to speak and write well. Companies hire people who can adeptly express their thoughts in both verbal and written communication. Employers don't have time to teach this skill, so you either have it or you don't.

5. Interpersonal - Let's face it, every work environment has its idiosyncrasies. Each consists of variety of personalities, so being able to easily communicate with people from different backgrounds and walks of life is an asset of vast importance. This skill is especially useful in a supervisory role.

6. Technological - In today's job market, most, if not all job openings require some type of technological know-how. Computer literacy is mandatory, and being able to operate various office machines and equipment is an invaluable tool, especially in a small office environment. One way to gauge the company's tech savvy is to research where they have posted their job openings. If the company's primary focus is internet posting (i.e. LinkedIn, CareerBuilder, Monster, Indeed, etc.), that's a good indicator that the company's tech savvy is on the high end.

If you'd like more assistance with your job search, please visit http://www.gcareerbreakthrough.com or call 800-875-3820. With over 20 years experience, proven career expert Nancy Grimes offers cutting-edge views and ingenious methods to help you reach or exceed your career goals. Nancy continues to break new ground in the career coaching industry, offering innovation techniques and up-to-the-minute information to get your career on track. If you require career management services (i.e. interview coaching, compensation negotiation assistance, etc.), please contact us for one-on-one consultation.

Nancy C. Grimes
Founder, Chief Executive Officer
Grimes Breakthrough Career Consulting

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nancy_Grimes

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