Monday, July 18, 2011

The Eagle Soars

Do you like to people watch? Have you ever looked up and saw a bird flying through the air and wondered what the view was like from up there? If you could see what would you observe? What is it about people that you like to watch?

Every single person in this world sees the world as they are, not as the world is. This means that when I look at something I see it from a totally different perspective than what you see it from. No wonder there is chaos in the world! The chaos disappears when we look past our differences to see the oneness, when we can see from others point of view it broadens our perspective. This isn't saying one is right and one is wrong, it's saying we are all right, and the picture is so much more beautiful and bigger when we see all angles.

Our perspectives are built by the experiences we have had, by the people who have influenced our lives. In order to see where our perspectives came from we have to look back on our lives and find out who our teachers were, what our experiences have been to form them. In fact in some situations(severe fears and phobias) we have to look back into past lives to see what our experiences were that we carried forward into this life. We may end up finding out that our perspective is not even ours, it is simply something we learned from someone else.

When it comes to finding your true views on a situation simply quiet your mind and ask yourself, "how do I feel about this?'. Then just wait and allow the answers to come from within. You may be amazed at the answers you get. You may even find yourself in conflict with how you would normally react to this. You may find you don't know how to express how it is you feel, or that you fear the reaction from others. It is ok, you are safe, you are learning about your true self. You are feeling your true feelings, and it can feel very different, but trust that it is real. The next step in this process is to trust the answers you get, work towards expressing them by getting comfortable with them and building confidence. Each step you take will build your confidence. In the end it doesn't matter what others think, as long as your express yourself in a loving manner, their opinions are their own. In fact you may find that some people start to fall away out of your life, and this is ok, because new people will be coming in to replace them.

You can begin to be the observer in your life, and see if from the view of a soaring eagle. A good way to start this practice is with music. Start listening to some music, get comfortable, now close your eyes, relax and ask yourself, who is listening to the music? In your mind step back and see who is listening. Be the observe of the listener. This takes a little practice and the more you can relax the better, don't try and force anything to happen. Simply observe. This experiment requires you to be completely in the moment with yourself and the music. It is a very loving peaceful place to be.

Once you can achieve the observer you can take it one step further, you can do it with any situation in fact the more often you stay in this space the closer you are to the true you. Now be the observe again, bu this time imagine you are the eagle soaring high above your life. What do you see? How do you feel? Again, this takes practice, stay out of your mind, out of your thinking and just allow. Keep in mind your eyes may see what your heart wants them to see. You will learn to discern what is real and what your mind is making up, by how you feel within. This is all about trusting, and knowing it is real.

As you practice this technique you are not only learning to stay in the moment, you are also learning to increase your intuition. Start to trust the things you are seeing and experiencing. Start to act on the ones that feel good to you. You may notice changes starting to happen around you, coincidences starting to appear from no where, they are real, be thankful for them and they will continue.

Being that eagle that soars above allows you to see things without the earthly attachments that we have, it allows for a different perspective, it allows your true self to see. This practices opens us up to seeing that there is far more to life than we ever imagined. We are each our own eagle and have the choices to fly the coarse our heart desires. When we stay in this moment, we are flying hand in hand with all there is, Where will you fly? Enjoy the journey!!

I am Jenn Prothero an angel therapy practitioner, reiki practitioner, and crystal healer. I enjoy empowering people to live the life of their dreams, to assist them in letting go of the past and moving forward into a brighter light.

I offer intuitive life coaching, private healing meditation, as well as angel readings, all of my services can be provided either in person or via email or phone.

My new children's book, Fairies Teach Forgiveness is now available for purchase on my website and on Kindle.

Listen live every Tuesday evenings at 8 Pm on Souls Journey Radio for discussions on different techniques.

Please feel free to visit my website for all the services I provide


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6421806

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