So you want to teach diverse learners or are already working with them either in an isolated or collaborative context. That's wonderful. Working with diverse learners is a gratifying challenge for many educators. However, it's not for everyone. If you are an educator of English language learners, (ELLs) you will need to develop and implement not just standards-based, quality lessons. Answer these 5 questions to find out if you apply culturally and linguistically response practices to meet the needs of your diverse learners:
#1 Are you empathetic to your learners?
If you answered "Yes" with a shrug of your shoulders, then take a minute and pause.
Any learner needs empathy, but especially ELLs and struggling readers.
Your learners need to know they can overcome past failures and tackle academically challenging material successfully. Just by being patient and reassuring, you have a much better chance of teaching them.
#2 Do you pause in-between questions?
This should be a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised at how this can affect ELLs ability to process information.
The more you wait, the higher the chance they have to respond successfully.
So wait and then, elicit responses. It makes quite a difference!
#3 Are you able to say "yes?"
Keep those "yesses" going. Even during challenging lessons.
Anytime you are able to say "yes," you are thinking positively and transferring your enthusiasm for learning to your student.
#4 Do you enjoy what you teach?
Again, another no-brainer.
This has huge implications for a learning environment and second language acquisition. Research shows that when the teaching-learning process is enjoyable, students AND teachers enjoy the learning experience.
#5 Are you constantly learning everything there is to know about your students?
One of the most important things you can do to prepare lessons is to find out about your learners and their cultural, linguistic, academic needs. Create get-to-know you activities that can help drive your instruction. Build a profile of each student in terms of what s/he knows and how well s/he can read, write and speak in English.
Okay, so how did you do?
Were you able to answer these five questions with confidence?
If so, great! You already have what it takes to appeal to ELLs.
If you hesitated with some of these questions, don't give up.
Simply take some time to assess why and create a plan to overcome these challenges. You can do it!
For more information on how to cater to English language learners in a collaborative setting, check out the new e-course delivered straight to your inbox every weekday morning offered by Dorit Sasson, the Teacher's Diversity Coach - For more articles and teaching tips on diversity, visit the Teachers' Diversity Coach, at
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