All teaching jobs can be rewarding and challenging in equal measure. Online teaching jobs appeal to many educators but also have their special challenges. One of those challenges is making sure that learners stay engaged, in the absence of face-to-face, human contact.
If you are thinking of taking on online tutoring jobs you will need to become familiar with the special demands of teaching or tutoring online. It's a mistake to think that all you need for online teaching jobs is great subject knowledge and a desire to teach, though those are crucial. If your background lies in conventional teaching jobs then you will need to adapt your methods and approach. Engaging online learners deserves your serious and dedicated attention.
There are solid reasons for giving priority to keeping your students interested and motivated. One of those is that studies suggest that, although online teaching is as effective as classroom-based teaching, the dropout rate seems to be significantly higher. Though the reasons aren't entirely clear, there are nevertheless some strategies you can adopt in your online tutoring jobs to try to manage the dropout rate - with clear implications for stabilizing and protecting your income.
1. Building the teacher-student relationship. Distance learning via the internet can feel like it sounds: distant. It's not that there's no human factor - you just have to work harder at making sure your teaching has that crucial human touch. In your online teaching job you can usefully pay special attention to building relationships with your students. A strong and supportive relationship with your students is especially important when the learning environment lacks the human interactions of face-to-face teaching.
2. Paying attention to materials and course design. It's possible to transplant standard ways of teaching, simply delivering them over the internet. Videos of lectures are one example, as are webinars, which take place in virtual classrooms. Teaching online just using email is perfectly possible. However, using these methods may not be the best way to proceed. In addition, computers offer all sorts of opportunities to make learning entertaining as well as educational and these are worth exploring.
3. Giving individually tailored teaching. One of the pluses of online tutoring jobs is the personalized attention you can give learners and you should maximize this potential wherever possible. Devising interactive games, puzzles and quizzes to help learners is great, but should not be at the expense of one-to-one discussions and instruction, or good old-fashioned study. Every learner is different and you will have to provide the right balance for each.
4. Thinking laterally. Online learning is a new field. No doubt we will see many innovations and exciting ideas as this way of teaching develops and matures. You can contribute to that - not by experimenting on your students, but by finding creative ways to use the online platform to respond to their educational needs.
If you find your students are dropping out you will need to ask yourself - and, where possible, your students - why that is happening. You will always have some students who, for whatever reason, don't continue. To make a success of your online teaching job you will need to keep tabs on those who don't stick with it and, if there's something you can improve upon, the sooner you can address it, the better for all concerned.
The internet has a lot of resources helping to prepare before you attempt to take on online teaching jobs. You will also find a host of innovative and inspiring ideas for virtual learning that you can usefully incorporate into the online tutoring jobs that come your way.
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