Saturday, July 23, 2011

Subliminal Messaging And The Subconscious World

Subliminal messaging is everywhere. Our perceptive capacities are far beyond our conscious mind abilities, therefore, an enormous number of outside information is constantly captured by us without our own or conscious knowledge. That doesn´t mean although, that we lose all that information. It is a matter of fact that it remains inside of us on a subconscious level and it will, sooner or later, influence our thoughts, decisions or beliefs in a way or another.

I consider subliminal messaging as a subtle kind of language that overcomes our conscience and riches our subconscious level directly.

No one can honestly deny that there is a hidden and profound part of us, constantly operating on auto-pilot, that dictates our conscious world or, at least, strongly influences it.

Despite being a very discussed theme, the subconscious mind subject seems to intimidate a lot of us and some prefer to pay more attention to the easier-to-understand conscious side of their psyche, remaining in a "comfort zone", trying to ignore the unavoidable fact that it plays an important role in what and who we are.

There is no way we can avoid it playing out repetitive patterns despite our conscious objections. It can give us confusing or illuminating dreams; it drives our overriding behavior and it speaks loudly through habits and the language of symbols. Although being submerged in shadow, subconscious mind is a reality and we certainly have a lot to lose when trying to ignore it instead of trying to know it better and better, in order to develop ourselves by a deeper knowledge of our inner "secrets".

There is an image often used to describe our mind that I consider very explicit. That is the well-known image of an iceberg. We only see the "tip of the iceberg" but we know there is a much larger part of it under the waterline. This image is, in my opinion, the best one to explain the sizes of our conscious and subconscious minds.

The reality is that our conscious only takes 10% of our mind's system, being the other 90% our subconscious. That is so, because it is in our subconscious that all our memories are stored. Notice, although, that I am not only referring to those countless events that occur during our life experience about which a great part of them our conscious mind is not even aware of, but also, in a much deeper perspective, I am referring to our racial memories (Human race, not national or skin-colour race), common histories and shared symbols. I could even go further and speak about our organs and its managing which is also a task performed on a subconscious level.

It has long been proven, that most of the times we act upon emotions which are preceded by thoughts and that the thoughts stand out strongly, not to say totally, influenced by our beliefs or "inner pictures" which generate them.

Balance is a natural and essential requisite for any human being to be healthy, successful and happy. Therefore, we all have a natural and mental inside mechanism constantly striving to align our beliefs (or inner self) with our conscious reality. That mental mechanism is no more than our subconscious mind and it works so effectively and in such an automatic way, that we don´t even get to realize it. The fact is, although, that the larger the difference between our inner picture and our conscious reality, the harder our subconscious will work to bring them to alignment.

Being so, we can now understand that there is nothing wrong with subliminal messaging and, on contrary, using it properly can be very useful.
Let me explain:

Your inner image of yourself and your deep beliefs is a determining factor in all your failure as well as success. It is very unlikely that you achieve any improvement in your life if what you are seeking is not consistent with your current inner picture. That is why positive affirmations don´t work so effectively if proclaimed in a conscious level, as most of the time they don´t reach that "inner you".

Your inner beliefs aren´t always a reflection of the absolute truth. The fact that they are "beliefs" doesn't mean that they are right and in a fair correspondence with reality. So, if there was a way to correct them in order to achieve the right balance, it would be great.

Well, there is an old way commonly recognized to be very effective on the correction of our beliefs - hypnotism.

The problem with it, however, is that when you submit yourself to a hypnotic session you cannot do anything else at the same time. That means that you have got to have time to do it and that you can hardly do it alone.

There is although, a rather effective way to directly reach your subconscious and "work yourself" without having to compromise your daily tasks. That is a valuable instrument called "audio subliminal messages". Using your MP3, you can listen to music or any other perceptive sound (nature sounds are very common) with imbibed subliminal messages, while you work or perform almost any other tasks (not recommended while driving).

This method has been increasing as people´s preferred choice on personal development and it is commonly referred as "subliminal audio messaging self development method".

We will be talking about how it is technically conceived soon in another article. See you then.

MBM has a Master degree on Social Sciences. If you would like to know more about subliminal messaging or you can go and visit his blog

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Miguel_Mancellos

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6423885

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