Saturday, July 16, 2011

Turning Adversity Into A Learning Tool - Thoughts To Make You Think

Adversity is something that can be viewed in different ways depending on each person. It can be seen as one of the most dreadful things that can happen to someone or a prompt which says what are the lessons here for me to learn. I remember it being said that we may have known everything that was going to happen before we came into this life. I have also heard it said that we may have chosen everything that happens in our life so that we can learn things for our spiritual growth. If that be the case then we would not have to worry too much about the things that happen in life because if we did choose these experiences them we would have chosen them for a reason.

Let us imagine for a moment that we were spiritual God like beings, who decided that they wanted to give up their powers for a while and experience the idea of lack and not having for a while. Then this whole earth experience would not be such a problem because of the idea that what is happening is by choice. So this would give a totally new spin on life. This would be a bit like acting in a play and playing various different parts of our own choosing. If this were the case we could choose a life where we had a very poor start in life and struggled to be a great success in later life. Imagine if we today could wear holographic glasses which allowed us to live a complete life in a few seconds, and say we had a suit that had special sensors that allowed us to experience everything in this experience. Indeed this could be a new way to go on holiday, this idea has been seen in some science fictions movie's. So this whole concept could then be used as a learning tool, for example we could experience a history lesson by actually living in the exact experience. So indeed we could choose to experience some adverse conditions and see what we could learn from the condition.

But to take this to another level, imagine the faculty of imagination was so effective and life-like that we could actually live another life in our imagination. Well that could be a very exciting prospect so we could be able to live the life of our dreams without even stepping out of our homes. So what are yours views on this life could we all be perhaps co-authoring each others plays as it has been suggested in "The Secret" Movie's, a film about the working of a Law of Attraction? If you were indeed a God would you have chosen the life that you currently live or would you choose another.

Thoughts to make you think.

MGA Brown © July 2011

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6419470

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