Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Power of Imagination And The Law of Attraction

Many people often find what they need when they reach one of the lowest points in their lives. However, some people seem to be at their best when they reach high points. If you study human consciousness and thought, you will see that imagination and the law of attraction can literally produce miracles. If you would like to find out why, then please read on.
You have probably heard the phrase, "you are what you think you are." These are high sounding words but most people hear or read them and give little thought to the powerful force that they represent. Naturally, you are not going to find a magic lamp that contains a genie, waiting to grant you three wishes. That is only wishful thinking and wishful thinking always starts out like this, "I wish I could have something, but (deep down inside, I know that it is not going to happen). When this occurs, you are defeated before you start.

When one engages in wishful thinking, it is like taking a half a glass of hot water and mixing it with the same amount of cold water. You get lukewarm results at best, and the reason is simple. Hot and cold are two different extremes and they cancel each other out. The same is true with negative and positive thinking. That is why wishing for something almost never brings about the desired results.
The law of attraction basically states that "like attracts like". In other words, one positive thought will attract something positive into your life. Add another good thought, and something else is attracted. Eventually, you have more positive than negative things in life, and it is a result of your thinking processes.
Here is an example of generating what you want with thought. You see something in a catalog or in a store. Afterward you begin to think about this item and your desire begins to grow. In time, you imagine yourself in possession of the item. Next, you play out different scenarios in your head, of ways that you can attain the item. Before you know it, you have found a way to buy it and you are in possession of what you wanted. When you did this, you set universal laws into motion, whether it was intentional or not.
Thinking about something is powerful because thought itself is power. Thought is very similar to seeds that grow vegetables and mighty oak trees. First the seed is planted in the ground. Next, the seed needs water and sunshine. With the proper care a seed begins to grow. It then must be nurtured and cared for until it is strong enough to grow on its own. The same is true for your ideas, plans, and thoughts.
If you want to plant the seeds of thought, you need to make use of the powerful force known as suggestion. Saying something cannot make it true. However, if you repeat something to yourself enough times, you will eventually believe it, and that belief will lead to faith. Faith keeps you on track and helps you to achieve your goals. It does not let you quit when all seems lost and the odds are insurmountable. In fact, when a low point in life is reached, that is when the successful reach down and find the power to persevere.
There are many examples of the mind healing the body. Medical science does not usually recognize these things but it does admit there are phenomena like spontaneous remissions of diseases. They admit these things happen but they have no explanation. The truth behind spontaneous remission and healing lies in the power of belief. Something wonderful happens when you believe something completely and absolutely refuse to accept any other scenario but success or victory.
Many people may state that belief is not powerful, but they are sadly mistaken. They try to use belief in their lives, but this power is diluted with negative emotions like doubt and fear. In fact, negative emotions are just as strong as positive ones. They will kill and destroy when used effectively, and the bad thing is, negative emotions and bad habits happen on their own. Positive things and good habits must be formed and nurtured. That is the main reason so many people fall short of their goals in life.
Do you really want to make good changes in your life? Start with something simple like one single thought. Maybe you want better health. Every day, see yourself healthier and bring more thoughts of good health into your mental images. These thoughts will attract good ideas like better eating or starting a new exercise program. It is not about making dramatic changes over night. It is all about one tiny thought attracting similar thoughts and then it eventually turns into a "snowball effect".
When positive thought is blended with persistence, good things happen. Persistence helps you find alternative routes and solutions to many problems in life. When you are persistent you do not give up and you carry on. Something happens when you keep going, that almost always leads to success. Just because you cannot see the law of attraction, does not mean it is not there. It is just as real as the air you breathe, the atomic structure of matter, and tiny organism invisible to the naked eye. These things cannot be seen, but they are an accepted fact today. Yet, not so many years ago, if you talked about unseen forces like quantum mechanics and microbiology, you would be criticized and perhaps thrown into jail or a mental asylum.
Today, you can talk about and discuss matters of thought without fear of someone throwing you in a dungeon. Miracles can happen and they start with the seeds of thought. Whether you choose to use this power for good or not is up to you. Remember, you are using this power every day whether you realize it or not. Harness this power and it can make some major changes in your life. You might have to reach a low point or perhaps a high point to discover this power, but it will be there for you when you need it the most.
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