Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Five Reasons You Might Want To Consider Private Tutoring.....

Wouldn't it be nice if you could be sure if you needed to consider private tutoring for your child? Many people have come across this exact situation. For most people it is just a passing, fleeting thought that never gets anything accomplished and is soon forgotten. Most believe that if they just ignore the situation it will go away and everything will be fine.

But this is your child that we are talking about. You just can't afford to ignore the situation if he really does need some tutoring assistance. Private tutoring is something that you may need to take a good long hard look at if your child is showing any of the signs of having trouble with his schoolwork.

Let's take at look at five signs that your child may in fact be in need of private tutoring.

First of all, has your child been missing a lot of school? Take into account that this could be for any reason. Was he sick and had to stay home for an extended period of time due to his illness? Did you take a long family vacation during the school year? Does he participate in a sport or other extracurricular activity that takes him away from classes a lot? Additionally, it's important to remember that while he may have made up all of the assignments that he missed that is not the same as actually being in a classroom setting and there may be important nuances of the lessons that he has missed by not interacting with a live teacher.

Second, has he been hiding or lying about his homework, telling you that he doesn't have any or not letting you see the homework that has been graded by his teacher? Hiding and lying about homework is a definite sign that he is having trouble understanding the material. That's actually the reason that, as many have noted, it is important for parents to take an active role in helping children with their homework on a daily basis. If your child is having trouble in school he doesn't want to be a disappointment to you or for you to think he is stupid so he will hide it from you as long as he can.

Third, is schoolwork starting to affect the whole family? And also is it causing a strain on the familial relationships? If so so then something needs to be done quickly to fix the situation. You should not allow the situation to get out of hand to the point of constant bickering.

Fourth, does your child come home with poor test scores even though he seems to understand the material and does well on his homework? It is possible that even though he comprehends the material perfectly he just does not understand the proper way to study for and take tests. These skills can be taught.

And lastly, is your child bored because he feels held back by the class? Private tutoring can be as much a benefit to a gifted child as it is to one who is falling behind. He may need to be challenged to keep his mind active and expanding.

Now, consider all those reasons and examine your situation carefully. Any of these points would suggest that you may want to consider private tutoring.

Anton Lebedev is the director of Plus Plus Tutoring, a private tutoring service in the United States.

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