Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Mistakes People Make When Considering Tutoring Rates

It's important to know not only what to do but also the way to do it right. That is only part of the picture, however. Knowing what NOT to do and what mistakes you will need to avoid is also an important part. You should learn from the mistakes made by others so that you can be sure to avoid them yourself. That is especially true for getting your child help with his schoolwork and looking at what it is going to cost you in terms of tutoring rates. This is an area where it is easy to make mistakes. Three of the most common mistakes that people make with getting your child help with his schoolwork and looking at what it is going to cost you in terms of tutoring rates are discussed below:

First and foremost. many people only take the price into consideration when they go looking for a tutor or a tutoring service.. You'll find this important since, as with most things in life, the benefits you receive from a service are much more important than the price and you almost always get what you pay for. To avoid this problem you need to carefully consider what results will be achieved by your child with the help of the tutor. A higher price may very well be worth the expense when the results are also proportionally better.

Secondly, many people see the rates that tutors are charging and immediately compare the amount to what they get paid at their jobs and wonder what makes the tutor think he is worth that much more per hour than they are. Getting this right is very important considering that tutoring rates are based on a lot more factors than just the hourly wage that the tutor is going to receive. What you need to do then is realize that you get paid a lot more than you think. A lot of the things that you take for granted like company paid health insurance and retirement benefits are not reflected in your hourly rate.

Most people receive benefits other than wages that equal or exceed the wages themselves. When hiring a tutor, or any other service for that matter, keep in mind that a lot of that hourly rate is going to cover things like overhead, health insurance, and retirement plans. If you want to more accurately compare what you are paying out to what you make yourself then multiply your own hourly wage by at least 2 to get a more accurate picture of what you really make including benefits.

Last but not least, many people fail to comparison shop. This happens when you hire the first tutor or service that you contact. This can be avoided by understanding that there are many choices out there and you need to examine as many of them as you can. While tutoring rates should never be the most important consideration when hiring a tutor, when all other things are equal then go with the lower rate and save yourself a little money.

Analyze your attitude toward getting your child help with his schoolwork and looking at what it is going to cost you in terms of tutoring rates. Follow these recommendations with regard to doing it right and you will then be better prepared to achieve amazing results!

Anton Lebedev is the director of Plus Plus Tutoring, an educational service with low tutoring rates.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anton_Lebedev

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