Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How Intuition Keeps You Safe

How important is your intuition -that little voice in your head - in terms of your ability to remains safe? Very!

Consider this little scenario you may be familiar with....

Have you ever heard a little voice in your head that told you to get out of bed and double check to make sure the front door is locked? You probably have and you likely tried to ignore that voice because it would be a much better thing to stay nice and secure under the covers. However, you get out of bed and...lo and behold...the door is locked. You should have stayed in bed, right? Well, what happens if you pay attention to that little voice 10 times and each time the door was locked? Should you get a grip and decide to ignore the voice the next time?

The 11th instance occurs and you do what you always do...you get about of bed and, surprise, the door is unlocked this time. So, you lock it and you may have done yourself a great service. Believe it or not, many home invasions and burglaries occur when a predator simply looks for an unlocked door or open window and gains entry.

By paying attention to your intuition and instincts, you may discover the ability to keep yourself safe is increased dramatically. Really, those warning signals in your head are legitimate and valuable. Evolution has placed them there for a reason. The problem is we do not always pay attention to our intuition because we sometimes confuse the seriousness of intuition depending on the circumstances or scenario we find ourselves in.

Intuition has its benefits. For some, intuition lets them make the right selection of a DVD rental or how to make a new shortcut on the commute home form work. Such minor intuitive decisions have their benefits but they are not exactly life saving. That said, there are some serious intuitive decisions you can make which will aid in helping you maintain your personal safety. In some instances, effective intuitive decisions may very well prove life saving under certain conditions.

Frequently, it is your intuition that keeps you out of dangerous high risk scenarios. Yet, many do not do what they should do and pay close attention to those intuitive decisions that are warning them not to do something or, conversely, to take an action which would boost the likelihood you can maintain your own personal safety and maintain it in an effective manner.

Intuition has always been with us and evolution has made sure it provides a warning signal to use. Look at it this way: when humans crossed the bearing straight land bridge to North America, they found themselves in a new land with no shelter and bears that were 10 feet tall, huge wolves significantly bigger than modern wolves, and even the legendary saber-toothed tiger. Intuition was quite helpful in alerting humans to the dangers present. If you felt that a giant Dire Wolf was in the area, you likely would get out of there safely.

Today, the Dire Wolf has (sadly) become extinct but there are still many modern predators you have to deal with. Better yet, you do not want to deal with them. You want to avoid them completely. This is done by realizing they are in the vicinity and you need to avoid them. Generally, you do not want to confront danger as much as you want to avoid it. This will reduce your potential to be harmed, injured, or worse.

Intuition is often a safety mechanism. When it sends a warning your way, you will need to take heed of it. Of course, in order to follow along with the alarm, you will need to actually hear it. Sadly, our ability to hear such alarm bells is not always as sharp as it needs to be in order for us to maintain our safety. This is why a few steps need to be taken in order to become more aware of our intuition.

One way to enhance a greater awareness of intuition revolves around calming the mind. When the mind is cluttered or rife with racing thoughts, it is not easy to focus on intuitive signals. This is why any practice that entails calming the mind is so strongly recommended. It will boost the likelihood that you will zone in on your intuitive signals in a clear manner.

Meditation is often cited as a common way to calm the noise within your head and this is certainly a good practice to take part in. Even ten minutes of meditation per day can effectively deliver the results required for enhancing your ability to strengthen your intuition.

However, there can be other, simpler ways you can enhance the way your intuition works. Simply staying away from stimulants which can cause the mind to race would be a very basic and reliable strategy. When you are stimulated or, worse, over-stimulated, you may find it quite difficult to remain focused on intuitive signals. So, stay away from anything that can cause the mind to be unfocused and distracted.

Then, there is an even simpler method: you could always just concentrate on getting a decent amount of appropriate rest. This will work wonders for slowing the mind down to where it needs to be in order to effectively intuitive.

You also need to do what is required to pick up better on your intuitive decisions. When they start to appear in your head, you will need to zone into them which will slowly allow you to become more aware of them. As you become more aware of them, they will allow you to make intuitive thought part of your standard daily awareness.

Yes, there are huge benefits to having such enhanced awareness. Among the most beneficial would be your enhanced safety. That alone should prove motivating enough to develop such skills.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_G._Jones

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6387642

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